CAS - 国际浪漫主义会议 Page 横幅


On behalf of the 执行董事 and the 咨询委员会, I welcome you to the homepage of the 国际浪漫主义会议.  该组织, founded almost thirty years ago by scholars from several countries, has always stood for the study of Romanticism as a whole, 在其所有的多语言, 跨文化, 以及跨学科的表现, avoiding a narrowed-down view of the movement limited to one or two linguistic traditions or just one discipline.  Our members come from more than twenty countries and represent literature, 哲学, 音乐学, 艺术历史, 教育理论, 等等.......  从起源说起, the 国际浪漫主义会议 has emphasized collegiality and a spirit of humane discourse, with attention given to supporting the work of younger scholars.  我们每年举行会议, 偶尔的座谈会, 为优秀的书籍和论文颁发奖项, 并赞助学术期刊 浪漫主义散文, 目前由利物浦大学出版社出版, and sent to ICR members as part of their membership package. 我们的会议在不同的地方举行, 包括纽约市, 帕克城(UT), 拉雷多(TX), 圣巴巴拉(加州), 罗彻斯特(MI), 塔拉哈西(FL), 蒙特利尔(加拿大), 雅典(希腊), 从法国ø(挪威), 曼彻斯特(英国), 维也纳(奥地利), 等等....... Take a look through this website for information on the many facets of our work, 请考虑加入我们. 


拉里·H. 皮尔,ICR主席

Annual meetings and colloquia are held in the Fall (large meetings) and in the late Spring (small colloquia) and are hosted by a college or university or a group of cooperating schools. All meetings and colloquia are cross-linguistic and interdisciplinary. The annual large meeting normally includes plenary sessions, 较小的演示小组, 和研讨会, 围绕一个扩展的论文组织的. The smaller colloquia are restricted to fewer participants, and are usually organized around a more tightly conceived topic. At all ICR gatherings a wide variety of conference goers is sought, 包括研究生, 还有一种友谊的精神, 人性化智能, 亲密关系是培养出来的. Annual meetings and colloquia have been held or are scheduled to be held in Tempe, AZ; Milwaukee, WI; Athens, GA; Park City, UT; Baltimore, MD; Santa Barbara, CA; State College, PA; Lubbock, TX; Oxford, OH; Tallahassee, FL; Bloomington, IN; Colorado Springs, CO; Saint Louis, MO; Charleston, SC; Manchester, ENGLAND; Athens, GREECE; Tromso, NORWAY; and Vienna, 奥地利.

2024年-会议与 NASSR

  • 国际浪漫主义会议 was founded by a group of scholars from America and Europe. 作为一个学术团体,它的目的是促进, 维护, 提高教学质量, 研究, and related endeavors in the field of Romanticism studies, and to facilitate communication among scholars and teachers through annual meetings and publications. 文学同行的论坛, 哲学, 历史, 音乐学, 科学史, 艺术历史, 以及其他学科, the 国际浪漫主义会议 has an interdisciplinary and inter国家 membership. Since its inception the fundamental aim of the organization has been to pursue the study of Romanticism without favoring particular linguistic, 国家, 或者政治传统, 或者学术学科, 无论是明确的还是隐含的. The society’s meetings and publications reflect this purpose.

    普通会员 学费为65美元(学生为20美元) 以及临时教员)为历年及 包括ICR期刊的订阅 浪漫主义散文, 参与选举, 参加年会的机会, 还有会员目录. We invite you to join in helping to accomplish the goals of the conference.


三十年前, a dozen scholars from several countries got together and formed the 国际浪漫主义会议. 还有年度会议, 设立学术奖项, 培养人文合作精神, 相互支持, 以及跨语言/跨学科的工作, the new organization created a plan for publishing a new journal that would reflect its goals and values. 棱镜:浪漫主义散文, the first scholarly journal specifically devoted to the interdisciplinary and cross-linguistic study of Romanticism, 从一开始就成功了吗. Contributions and editorial help from around the world, reflecting a membership that has drawn from every continent and from almost thirty countries, 标志着它已经运行了17年. In 2011 the ICR was happy to see the journal enter a new phase, 一个新的编辑器, 新名字, 新的编辑委员会. Editor Alan Vardy and his colleagues continue to reflect, 甚至增强, 我们组织的长期价值观. 一如既往, members of the ICR will receive a copy of the new journal with annual dues.

欲知更多有关 浪漫主义散文, 包括提交和订阅细节, 还有过去文章的存档, 请访问利物浦大学出版社.

Awarding of Prizes is one of the most significant activities of the ICR.

洛尔·梅茨格奖 is awarded for the best graduate student paper presented at the annual ICR meeting. The winner is determined by a committee from the annual meeting host institution, 评奖委员会主席, 和艾伦·瓦尔迪(编辑 浪漫主义散文).

Jean-Pierre Barricelli图书奖
国际浪漫主义会议 established its prize for the year’s best book in Romanticism studies for the purpose of recognizing exceptional, 甚至是这门学科的开创性工作. Named after inter国家ly renowned teacher and scholar Jean-Pierre Barricelli, 该奖项由来自世界各地的韦德体育app官网评审. 诚邀学术出版社提名, 并且可以代表广泛的研究, including new interpretations of the movement as a whole, 跨学科观点, 对个别作者的研究, 等等....... An inter国家 committee of scholars decides the winner. 请将提名的每本书寄一份至:

拉里·H. 同行
3023 JFSB -杨百翰大学
Provo, UT 843602-6702


2023-洛林·伯恩·博德利, 舒伯特:音乐的旅人 (耶鲁大学,2023年)

2022-Kevis古德曼 运动病理学 (耶鲁大学,2022年)

2019-罗伯特布兰顿, 信任的精神:黑格尔现象学解读 (哈佛大学)

2018-理查德·C. 沙, 浪漫主义中的想象与科学 (约翰霍普金斯大学)


2016-乔恩•Klancher 改造艺术和科学 (剑桥)

2015-彼得同性恋, 为什么浪漫很重要 (耶鲁大学)

2014-琼娜麦克劳德, 逃亡的对象 (西北)

2013-南希·尤瑟夫 浪漫的亲密关系 (斯坦福大学)

2012-马丁卑鄙的人, 罗伯特·舒曼 (芝加哥大学)

2011-奥林N.C. 王, Romantic Sobriety: Sensation, Revolution, Commodification, 历史 (约翰霍普金斯大学)


尤金Stelzig, 亨利·克拉布·罗宾逊在德国 (巴克内尔)
斯蒂芬•Prickett 《欧洲浪漫主义:读者 (连续)

2009-亚历山大•Schlutz Mind’s World: Imagination and Subjectivity from Descartes to Romanticism (华盛顿大学)

2008-詹姆斯·H. 通常, 诗歌与浪漫主义音乐美学 (剑桥)

2007-梅丽莎·弗雷泽, Romantic Encounters: Writers, Readers, and the “图书馆 for Reading” (斯坦福大学)


Leon柴 Romantic Theory: Forms or Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era (约翰霍普金斯大学)
James O ' rourke 性、谎言与自传:忏悔的伦理 (弗吉尼亚大学)
拉里·H. 皮尔和黛安·朗·霍夫勒, 浪漫主义:比较话语 (Ashgate)

2005-Kari Lokke, Tracing Women’s Romanticism: Gender, 历史, and Transcendence (劳特利奇)

2004-西奥多·Ziolkowski Clio the Romantic Muse: Historicizing the Faculties in Germany (康奈尔大学)

2003-保罗•汉密尔顿 元浪漫主义:美学、文学、理论 (芝加哥大学)

2002-伊恩·贝尔福 浪漫预言的修辞 (斯坦福大学)

2001-Ann Rigney 不完美的历史 (康奈尔大学)

2000-约书亚威尔纳, Feeding on Infinity: Readings in the Romantic Rhetoric of Internalization (约翰霍普金斯大学)



理查德·埃尔德里奇 Leading a Human Life:Wittgenstein, Intentionality and Romanticism (芝加哥大学)
肯尼斯·R. 约翰斯顿, The Hidden Wordsworth; Poet, Lover, Rebel, Spy (诺顿)

1997-苏珊J. 沃尔夫森, Formal Charges: The 沙ping of Poetry in British Romanticism(斯坦福大学)

1996-弗雷德里克·Burwick 诗意的疯狂与浪漫的想象,(宾夕法尼亚州立大学)

1995-Joycelyne科尔布, The Ambiguity of Taste: Freedom and Food in European Romanticism (密歇根大学)

1994-艾伦•理查森 Literature, Education, and Romanticism: Reading as Social Practice 1780-1832 (剑桥)

1993-大卫•辛普森 Romanticism, Nationalism and the Revolt Against Theory, (芝加哥大学)


威廉年代. 戴维斯




Beate Allert


Miroslava Horova
Univerzita Karlova


The Institute of The Literary 研究 of The Polish Academy of Science

理查德·C. 沙


艾伦·瓦尔迪(纽约市立大学亨特学院),编辑 浪漫主义散文

Matthew Kershaw (Yale University), student representative

Lori Yamato (Queens College, CUNY), contingent faculty representative

拉里·H. 同行 (BYU), historian and assistant to the 执行董事


(248) 370-4567



(248) 370-2140